Sooooo much to relate to in here! Tired of starting off every newsletter with a reminder that I am *checks notes* still depressed? Check. Thinking a $22 cocktail that my unemployed ass can’t afford might fix it?? Check. When in reality what helps is moving my body, saying the scary things out loud (or at least writing them down) and crying into my cat’s fur. Yep yep yep. Thank you for sharing, it helps me feel less alone to know there are other people on here who are also going through it!

As I wrote in my newsletter this week if you only have 30% and you give 30% then really you gave 100%. So just, give yourself a pat on the back yeah? We all deserve it.

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sending you a big hug!

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So many delights here, Sarah! I also watched Bodkin last week and completely agree with you're statement that it tried to do a lot of things but didn't quite do any of them well enough. It was entertaining and I was intrigued but I felt like it really petered out at the end. And I thought they didn't use Will Forte to his full comedic ability! He's so good.

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i wasn't previously aware of him (i'm not a huge comedy girl), but perhaps i should look him up! anything else you'd recommend?!

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I know him mostly from SNL, but he did have a show in 2015 called The Last Man on Earth that I enjoyed. Though, I haven’t watched it since it ended, so I’m not sure how it’s stood the test of time!

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May 24Liked by Sarah Jacobson

Chicken bowl recipe sounds amazing! I’ve been looking for a use for the zaatar that’s been sitting in my spice cabinet for a year!

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i use it on roasted veggies ALL the time! but it's especially good on cauliflower.

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Jun 15Liked by Sarah Jacobson

Coming back to say the chicken bowl was DELICIOUS!!

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May 24Liked by Sarah Jacobson

This was such a beautiful and refreshing read. I've also been deep in the muck this week, and just so appreciate hearing it's okay to be honest about that. Hope it's a better weekend for all xx

Also - I'm about 60% through Memory Piece right now (also loved The Leavers)! Please report back on your book club discussion...

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sending you a big hug in solidarity ❤️ here's to a better week next week! and what do you think of the book so far?!

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May 23Liked by Sarah Jacobson

Oh Sarah. I needed this today. Deep in despair with my job right now and how miserable I am because of it. I needed to hear there is a me inside of sad me and I will find a way out of this. Thank you. Is the clip from the concert the song Violin? The lyrics are lovely but not what I remember of that song. I want to find it.

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Lord knows I’ve been there! Hang in there ❤️ And silly me, I uploaded the wrong clip! That one is called wait for me.

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May 23Liked by Sarah Jacobson

I’m glad you did! I have a new favorite song now. Thank you!

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